Monday, May 10, 2010


Hello Ladies!

I hope this evening finds everyone doing well. I am sorry my post is a bit late in the day.... but its here and that is all that matters to this gal right now! I know a few of you can completely understand why this post may be a bit late in its arrival when I tell you that #4 in mylineup is still awake!! Although his cuteness makes him a favorite it is not enough to save him from bed! Anyways, here we go.....

As I sit here tonight typing our blog entry I am disappointed. Mainly because I was hoping to have something profound to share. Something I could tell you I have learned or an inspiration that may have come to me during the last few weeks......but as I searched....and believe me, I searched- I still came up where I started.....with quietness. I want to make it clear that does NOT mean my life has been peaceful and quiet without calamity threatning to errupt any moment from Mt. has just been different. A different kind of quiet. A restless quiet....a quiet I am not particularly fond of. The kind of quiet you experience from an injured party after you say something you wish had never spoken. Making sense now???

I am unsure of this "quiet" period. While it is quiet I speak, I pray, I sin , I repent, I pray some more, I cry out, I worship, I sin again.... you get the picture. And on the other end there is silence....a quiet silence.

Ladies, I am by far the last to try and sort out the big mystery of God and His infinate ways. I am not degreed in religion nor have I even read all of the books of the bible(I have a hard time in Leviticus if you know what I mean) but it seems to me as if during this quiet period I am having to pay extra special attention for even the slightest gesture on His part. I am having to seek and search.I am having to be still in the quiet so that I may detect that still small voice in the restlessness of my life.

I do not know if any of you are experiencing silence on the other end but I want to encourage you that if you are- you are not alone. He knows. He knows exactly what we need and what conditions our hearts are in. Fragile, prideful, broken, humble, overjoyed, devestated, conflicted....He knows.He knows the amount of quiet needed for restoration and redemption. So I leave you with this verse. I am sure many of you know it already but I have found it has much depth-

" Be still and know that I am God...." Psalm 46:10

It certainly isn't wordy in how or why we are to be still. It is commandatory to be still....while I am still in the quiet I am to KNOW that He is God. So maybe for this gal, it is in the very quiet, that I am reminded of who He is and it is not so quiet afterall.
