Monday, October 25, 2010

Day of Small Things

Do you ever feel like you are not doing anything of importance in your everyday life?

Do you look around and think to yourself that your life is “hum-drum” – maybe even boring?

Or, do you get a little depressed because your everyday life isn’t glamorous like some of your friend’s lives? Nothing “big” ever happens to you!!!!

After all – the house needs to be cleaned, the baby’s diaper needs to be changed, the washing machine has broken down again, the washing is piling up, you’re tired of arguing children, you cry easily (for “some” reason!), your finances are stretched beyond belief, you need new tires on your car, the bathroom needs to be mopped, you can’t keep up with the dust in your house, your children need to be taken to school and picked up, the holidays are right around the corner, you haven’t had your quiet time in three days, your boss wants you to work late all this week, and the kids want to know what’s for dinner tonight!!!!

This does not sound glamorous, does it? But yet, this is everyday life for you and me. The Father of Lies, Satan himself, will cause you to hate – even despise – your small, unglamorous life! (Be smart ladies – recognize what the devil is trying to do!)

Zechariah 4:10 says “Who despises the day of small things?” So, I’d like to ask you: What kind of lenses are your using to evaluate your day? Your life? Do you have the capacity to see things in their relative importance? Do you see the big picture? Perspective adds fresh air to your otherwise suffocating demands of life.

Zechariah had perspective. Zechariah totally abandoned himself into God’s work of rebuilding the temple The workers had grown weary – crops failed – there was financial distress – the rebuilding of the temple had become tedious. (You know what? The devil knew this community would one day reshape the world. Hmmmmm……!) Paraphrasing, Zechariah said: Look at the way God will be lifted up when we finish this task! Look at the place where God will be glorified! Think of the benefits to Zion! The Messiah will inhabit this nation!

More important than the building (temple) was what the building (temple) symbolized: a relationship with God! They would have a new beginning with a change of heart!

Ladies – is your everyday life tedious? Small? Insignificant? Boring? Do you need a change of heart? Remember: You need God’s perspective. What you do for God on an everyday basis may “seem” insignificant at the time, but God rejoices in what is right and just, not necessarily in what is “big.” Be faithful in the small opportunities. Begin where you are, doing what you can, and accept God’s pleasure over you and your smallest steps in the right direction. If you are faithful with little, God will entrust you with more.

“Thank you, Lord, for today – the day of small things to me, but to You and Your perspective, a very valuable day, part of Your plan and purpose for my life. Please glorify Yourself in my ‘day of small things’ through the power of your Holy Spirit.”

Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello Ladies!

I hope this (late) post finds everyone doing well. I myself am enjoying the hint of fall right around the corner. This is always such a favorite time of year for me. Cooler tempatures, football, and pumpkin spice lattes pave the way for some pretty great days ahead. Much has transpired in our home over the last couple of months. From new school supplies to new sports teams to almost completely out of diapers- (yes! can you believe it!!! ) to new responsibilites we are all growing and learning in our home. Now ladies, as sweet as that sounds let me just say two words to dispell the myth of harmony "growing pains".

Not everyone in my family recognizes these bouts we are having as pains but I do. They are all too familiar for me. Adolescence has knocked on our door and has officially made itself unwelcome and will not leave in our oldest son. ( I know there is a momma out there who can relate!) Our toddlers are in pure defiance mode by exerting every shred of independence they can and my second in a line up of four is struggling being a number two to an older brother.   Not to mention the tugs at my heart each of them take when it hurts to grow and things change. Even for me this year has brought incredulous change. Both good and devestating. The kind that makes you feel amazing and the kind that rips your heart out and brings you to your knees wondering if you will ever make it up again.

But somehow, you manage to get up or look around and realize through all that is changing and through every growing pain there is one foundational truth in life you can claim that does not change- Jesus Christ.

I have learned that through every growth experience whether or not accompanied by a heartache either for myself or for my family Jesus has not changed. He is still there to listen to every concern, to wipe away every tear, and fill our jars again so that we may continue. He truly is the only thing that sustains us. He is our foundation. Nothing else can be or is. It is also at this time I come to you and tell you that it is hard sometimes to remember that  Jesus is our foundation. When kids are sick, jobs are demanding, marriages are broken, bills are stacking up, friendships are devestated, children are lost.....the list could go on for miles. When everything else around us is spinning out of control we must remember Jesus is our foundation. He is the very thing that makes all of those things eventually okay. Does it mean everything will end with a perfect Disney ending? Hardly.....There will still be doubts, unforgiveness, broken hearts.....but He can bring all of that to pass. He is the foundation everything in our life should be built on. Our relationships, schedules, commitments, actions, words......all of them to fall upon our foundational truth of Jesus Christ.  Sometimes I do not even have enough energy but just to speak His name and let Him remind me that He has overcome for me and I will be okay. This verse has been one I am familiar with but now cling to as I need to reassurance that my house will not fall:

 "The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." Matthew 7:25

Whatever your rain, or stream or wind  or even growing pain......I pray you will remember the house built upon Jesus Christ did not fall. It weathered every storm and stood for the sun to rise again.
I hope some of you know and remember the day the house was still standing and the Son with all His brilliance shone upon your face....again.
