Monday, July 19, 2010

He Calls us by Name!

Psalm 33:13-15 NKJ

13 The Lord looks from heaven;
He sees all the sons of men.
14From the place of His dwelling
He Looks on all the inhabitants of the earth;
15He fashions their hearts individually;
He considers all their works.

What a wonder it is that the God of the universe knows my name and your name and He fashions ours hearts individually.

Scripture tells that from the beginning of known time with Adam and Eve and continuing thru to our last book of the Bible that when God Speaks to His children He calls them by name.

This spring we were out driving on one of these beautifully clear and cool days looking for birds. What an excellent display of God's creation in the diversity of our feathered friends. There is such a broad spectrum of differences among these creatures with some being very large in size all the way down to the very tiny. Some with beautiful melodious songs while others speak with a croak or a squawk. Some are spectacularly colored while others are very plain or even drab in color. Some like the sea gull are brazen and will snatch your sandwich right out of your hand if given the opportunity, still others are very shy and reclusive such as the least bittern.

It is no different with God's children. He has fashioned each of our hearts very differently. He has given each person different strengths and different weaknesses, different gifts and talents.

It is the responsibility of each person to follow the heart God has given us and to celebrate the heart, gifts and talents of our Christian brothers and sisters.

I personally admire and love many women and men in our church. Some have gone before me and are now with the Lord. Some are my peers and some are the younger ones in our church including the youth.  Our past, our present and our future are all woven together but our walk with the Lord is personal and individual.

The big change in my walk with Jesus was when He pierced my heart with the fact that He knows me personally and completely yet He loves me. Scott's teaching on Sunday the 11th put this across very well. 
Believe it and walk in it. What a miracle!

In His Love,

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