Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Ladies!

Sorry this post is a little late in delivery- I was having computer issues yesterday. I love this time of the year. My favorite dishes, great friends, the joy of family reunited- that would be mine, looking ahead as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior. It is truly my favorite time of year. I was reminded this morning I have not always kept this sense of grattitude to my God throughout the year. It has been a hard year for myself and family. Without going into detail I can just tell you it has been a year of trials and strongholds. And so that got me thinking...why all of the sudden am I able to reflect and have such a grateful heart??? I certainly have not kept this attitude during my circumstances. Was it my brokeness, was it that the the trial had passed, repentence, a good friend who helped me along the way, His grace???? So much to think about. And then I remembered...I am able to be because HE is who HE is. He is the One that constantly welcomes me back with open arms after my disbelef, disobedience, or ungrateful heart. What an amazing God. I believe the English language can not conjure up an appropriate description for this affection He must have for us, me, you.... So I challenge you this Thanksgiving and in the weeks to follow to reflect back over the year and remember why you are thankful. Not just for what we have but for who He is. I think our verse leads us quite well into reflection;

"Enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name."
Psalm 100:4 

Now I realize we are on X..... but after much searching and thought I really feel like this is where He was leading me. So for all my "structured" gals- I apologize!!! And just to let you know I am not a bible scholar(the secret is out!) so besides "Xerxes" I had a difficult time fitting our verse- hope you do not mind the detour- we will resume our regularly scheduled "letter to verse" in two weeks!:)
As you enter His gate with thanksgiving and praise what will you truly thank Him for? I wish everyone of you a blessed holiday filled with remembrance and thanksgiving of who He is to you.

Happy Thanksgiving,

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