Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New Year Ladies!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and is in joyful anticipation of what this new year brings. For many, a new year is a fresh start; a new beginning to an adventure. Many of us have made our "New Year Resolutions" and have, or will kick them off soon. Losing a few pounds, spending our time differently, financial goals, more time in the Word... and the list goes on. While there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with making resolutions, I wonder if just for a moment you will hang with me and think about this; "What if we made Jesus Christ our resolution?"......What if He made the list this year? If we "resolved" to keep our eyes on Jesus would we somehow still meet our own deep seeded resolutions? Would we still be able to drop those pounds, or would we be able to acheive those personal goals, or get that promotion, or.....whatever else we have our hearts set on. I can not predict the outcome of situations but I do know that there is one who is way more interested in my resolutions than I actually am and that is God and God alone. No one else will ever be as vested in my life as the Most High. So this year as I set out on my list of resolutions(and let me let you know the list was a good mile long!)and I could hear Him sweetly whisper to me "I am your Resolution, I am the Beginning and the End and there is no other than Me....Give it all to me,... even those extra pounds" I was stunned....I had never thought about Him as being my ultimate New Years Resolution.....Whoa.... talk about a quick shuffle on that paper!I am willing to go out on a limb here and tell everyone to put Him as your New Years Resolution. I do not know what that will mean for you but I know what it brings for this girl, and the outlook is spectacular. I want to encourage each and everyone of you to seek Him as you start your new year and your resolutions. Our first bible verse of the year explains how well nothing escapes Him:

"All my longings lie open before you O Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you." Psalm 38:9

Whether it be longings or sighs, I hope each of you will find resolution in Jesus Christ as you embark on another year of a new adventure with Him.

Blessings to you,


  1. Oh- a quick apology! I am terribly sorry I did not post our last and final verse for 2009. It went completely out the window! I guess we all know that now I am not perfect and I need to slow down- haha:) Again you have my apologies!

  2. So do I really want to admit that I am just now reading this for the first time......alright I just did. I'm reading this for the first time. It was very well written Crystal. And, I think this verse is very appropriate for the new year and those dreaded Resolutions......unless now all our Resolutions are to Resolve to allow Jesus to be our Resolution........something like that. Anyway, good pick for A. I've had lots of sighings lately. And, yes, I know that He has heard each one. And, praise God that my longings lie open before that He can change them to His longings! Angela
