Wednesday, November 10, 2010


“Blessed is she who has believed

that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished!”

Luke 1:45

Belief is a funny thing (funny odd more than funny ha-ha). As humans, and especially the female variety, we so easily believe in many things. We believe our feelings, what others say of us, what we perceive as reality, what we hear of others. We trust in people who must, by their very nature, let us down, and in financial security, which can be gone in a moment. We set our hope in things, which are temporal, unpredictable, flawed, and constantly shifting. The funny part is, we so easily place belief in these and many other things and yet we struggle to believe The Truth, The One who is the Ever-Presence. He will never harm us but only love, never change but remain steadfast in His goodness, He is never wrong but always right. He is eternally faithful and trustworthy, unmatched in His power and strength, Above All. This list could go on forever so I’ll stop and allow you to fill in the______________.

Belief is also a powerful thing (powerful as in powerful). Everything that we feel, all that we do, every word we speak finds its origin in what we believe. It is no wonder God’s Word so often admonishes us to take our thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ (2 Cor. 10:5), to be transformed in our mind (Rom 12:2), to be made new in the attitude of our mind (Eph. 4:23), just to name a few. What is equally wondrous is the result when we obey these directives—strongholds are demolished, God’s will is known, and we will be clothed in God’s righteousness and holiness. Look at the account of Mary in Luke 1:45, Elizabeth had it right—Mary was blessed because she believed. Blessed how? Certainly not by her circumstances, she had left home to isolate herself, she faced ridicule and scorn as an unwed mother-to-be, and she was nearly abandoned by her betrothed. She certainly was not blessed by her feelings, she was in her 1st trimester of pregnancy after all—nausea, uncertainty, hormones, fatigue, fears with even more fun stuff to come including a trek across the country when she was full on pregnant. Could Elizabeth have been wrong? No! Mary was blessed by what she received from the knowledge of her Lord simply because she believed. How do I know? The very next verse in Luke begins Mary’s beautiful song of praise to God. Before Christmas night, when she held her baby Son, God Himself, in her arms, she poured out her heart in praise to her Lord as proof that she was blessed because she believed Him.

You see, what you believe of God changes EVERYTHING!! Regardless of anything else, how you feel, what you perceive, and how you live are all transformed by the security of belief in the Solid Rock. So, what do you believe? The answer is in how you feel, what you say, the choices you make, and what you do. Perhaps you might sit before the Lord with this prayer, “Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for Your love is ever before me, and I walk (or want to walk) continually in Your truth.” Psalm 26:2 & 3
That You May Know (Believe) Him More,

Kimberlie Jones

Eph. 1:17

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day of Small Things

Do you ever feel like you are not doing anything of importance in your everyday life?

Do you look around and think to yourself that your life is “hum-drum” – maybe even boring?

Or, do you get a little depressed because your everyday life isn’t glamorous like some of your friend’s lives? Nothing “big” ever happens to you!!!!

After all – the house needs to be cleaned, the baby’s diaper needs to be changed, the washing machine has broken down again, the washing is piling up, you’re tired of arguing children, you cry easily (for “some” reason!), your finances are stretched beyond belief, you need new tires on your car, the bathroom needs to be mopped, you can’t keep up with the dust in your house, your children need to be taken to school and picked up, the holidays are right around the corner, you haven’t had your quiet time in three days, your boss wants you to work late all this week, and the kids want to know what’s for dinner tonight!!!!

This does not sound glamorous, does it? But yet, this is everyday life for you and me. The Father of Lies, Satan himself, will cause you to hate – even despise – your small, unglamorous life! (Be smart ladies – recognize what the devil is trying to do!)

Zechariah 4:10 says “Who despises the day of small things?” So, I’d like to ask you: What kind of lenses are your using to evaluate your day? Your life? Do you have the capacity to see things in their relative importance? Do you see the big picture? Perspective adds fresh air to your otherwise suffocating demands of life.

Zechariah had perspective. Zechariah totally abandoned himself into God’s work of rebuilding the temple The workers had grown weary – crops failed – there was financial distress – the rebuilding of the temple had become tedious. (You know what? The devil knew this community would one day reshape the world. Hmmmmm……!) Paraphrasing, Zechariah said: Look at the way God will be lifted up when we finish this task! Look at the place where God will be glorified! Think of the benefits to Zion! The Messiah will inhabit this nation!

More important than the building (temple) was what the building (temple) symbolized: a relationship with God! They would have a new beginning with a change of heart!

Ladies – is your everyday life tedious? Small? Insignificant? Boring? Do you need a change of heart? Remember: You need God’s perspective. What you do for God on an everyday basis may “seem” insignificant at the time, but God rejoices in what is right and just, not necessarily in what is “big.” Be faithful in the small opportunities. Begin where you are, doing what you can, and accept God’s pleasure over you and your smallest steps in the right direction. If you are faithful with little, God will entrust you with more.

“Thank you, Lord, for today – the day of small things to me, but to You and Your perspective, a very valuable day, part of Your plan and purpose for my life. Please glorify Yourself in my ‘day of small things’ through the power of your Holy Spirit.”

Monday, October 18, 2010


Hello Ladies!

I hope this (late) post finds everyone doing well. I myself am enjoying the hint of fall right around the corner. This is always such a favorite time of year for me. Cooler tempatures, football, and pumpkin spice lattes pave the way for some pretty great days ahead. Much has transpired in our home over the last couple of months. From new school supplies to new sports teams to almost completely out of diapers- (yes! can you believe it!!! ) to new responsibilites we are all growing and learning in our home. Now ladies, as sweet as that sounds let me just say two words to dispell the myth of harmony "growing pains".

Not everyone in my family recognizes these bouts we are having as pains but I do. They are all too familiar for me. Adolescence has knocked on our door and has officially made itself unwelcome and will not leave in our oldest son. ( I know there is a momma out there who can relate!) Our toddlers are in pure defiance mode by exerting every shred of independence they can and my second in a line up of four is struggling being a number two to an older brother.   Not to mention the tugs at my heart each of them take when it hurts to grow and things change. Even for me this year has brought incredulous change. Both good and devestating. The kind that makes you feel amazing and the kind that rips your heart out and brings you to your knees wondering if you will ever make it up again.

But somehow, you manage to get up or look around and realize through all that is changing and through every growing pain there is one foundational truth in life you can claim that does not change- Jesus Christ.

I have learned that through every growth experience whether or not accompanied by a heartache either for myself or for my family Jesus has not changed. He is still there to listen to every concern, to wipe away every tear, and fill our jars again so that we may continue. He truly is the only thing that sustains us. He is our foundation. Nothing else can be or is. It is also at this time I come to you and tell you that it is hard sometimes to remember that  Jesus is our foundation. When kids are sick, jobs are demanding, marriages are broken, bills are stacking up, friendships are devestated, children are lost.....the list could go on for miles. When everything else around us is spinning out of control we must remember Jesus is our foundation. He is the very thing that makes all of those things eventually okay. Does it mean everything will end with a perfect Disney ending? Hardly.....There will still be doubts, unforgiveness, broken hearts.....but He can bring all of that to pass. He is the foundation everything in our life should be built on. Our relationships, schedules, commitments, actions, words......all of them to fall upon our foundational truth of Jesus Christ.  Sometimes I do not even have enough energy but just to speak His name and let Him remind me that He has overcome for me and I will be okay. This verse has been one I am familiar with but now cling to as I need to reassurance that my house will not fall:

 "The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." Matthew 7:25

Whatever your rain, or stream or wind  or even growing pain......I pray you will remember the house built upon Jesus Christ did not fall. It weathered every storm and stood for the sun to rise again.
I hope some of you know and remember the day the house was still standing and the Son with all His brilliance shone upon your face....again.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Forsaken our First Love?

I’m blessed to be doing a study in the book of Revelation again. Each time I begin reading thru the book, I always come to a halt at Chapter 2, the letter to the church at Ephesus. How does a church doing so many good things....”I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary”…..forsake its first love? Even still, how do I forsake my first love? I want to know so that I don’t fall under this condemnation.

Sometimes this verse is used to promote our love for God.....“Remember your first love. Remember how much you loved Jesus at the beginning and go back to that. Love Him like you used to.” But, I don’t think that is all there is. Eric and I will be celebrating our 15th wedding anniversary this December. Every year has been better than the last! In our first year, we loved each other with all our hearts. But, since then, our capacity for love has grown. Our hearts have gotten bigger. We love each other more deeply. We’ve been through lots of “stuff.” We’ve had two sweet babies together. We’ve been thru surgeries and sickness. We’ve faced financially hard times. We’ve faced the death of loved ones together. To go back to our first “years” of love would actually be somewhat of a step backwards for us. I think it’s the same with Jesus. I know and love Jesus more now than I ever did. We’ve been through some “stuff.” We’ve been to mountain-tops and to the valley floor. We’ve faced death together. He created me, so He has always known me completely. But, each year I learn more about him and his limitless love for me. Every year is better than the last! So, I’m not sure Jesus is just telling the Ephesians to love Him like they did in the beginning.....that could actually be a step back in a sense.

For Jesus to say to the Ephesians that they had forsaken their first love, that they needed to repent and do the things they did at first, tells us that there was something seriously wrong. It is obvious that the Ephesians had lost their zeal. Jesus does commend their hard work. But, then He says they’re not doing the things they did at first. So they’re working hard but to some extent it is the wrong sort of work. Perhaps their prayer meetings were lifeless. Perhaps they went about their works of service without any real enthusiasm. Perhaps they are no longer resting, but striving. The poor may be getting food, but were they also getting the good news preached to them and setting them free. The sick may have been getting “hospital visits” but were they also getting healed by believers who believe that they have authority to heal in Jesus’ name? They had become known for their works, not His. We can conclude that the Ephesians were a hard-working, non-loving church. They sound a lot like a church that’s coming back under the law. They may have started out with grace but they are now trying to attain their goal by human effort. Sadly, we see it in our churches today. So, the problem with the Ephesians was that they had lost something of their understanding of God’s love for them. They had forgotten that they were beloved sons of God. They were a busy church but their works were based on their love for God rather than His love for them.

John, the beloved disciple, was at one time a member of the Ephesian church. He was famous for reminding people of the Father’s lavish love toward us. “Love comes from God” (1 Jn 4:7). “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us” (1 Jn 4:10). This is our first love! “We love because He first loved us” (1 Jn 4:19). Our love flows out of, and is a response to, His love. He is our love-source.

“I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God” Eph 3:17-19.

Love Never Fails. Remember your first love. Remember how you were first loved!

Monday, August 30, 2010

She "put-in"

This journey we find ourselves traveling is filled with both joys and sorrows- sometimes a mixture of both in a brief period of time. Our family’s journey took us northward this past week to the birthplace of my husband’s mother- we came together to say goodbye and lay her to rest in the cemetery where her parents, grandparents and other family members already lay.

Small towns in Texas are much the same, regardless of location. The people in the funeral home were warm and compassionate. The high school friends from the class of ’42 regaled the family with memories of church socials and football games. The church ladies fed the family with plates of fried chicken and mashed potatoes – much enjoyed by the grandchildren, I might add!

The time came to join as a family in the small chapel. The family is tiny now and the chapel seemed larger than it probably was. This is a time when family comes together- generations sit side by side- hands are held as each heart holds its own remembrances.

Her battle with Alzheimer’s had taken her memory years ago- she had known no one for almost a decade. The memory of her son was called upon to pick the songs and the scriptures for her- memories of Scripture she insisted he memorize as a child- hymns she encouraged him to learn on the piano- sadly, for her, with little success.

Our dear friend stood to preach from the 23rd Psalm- not all that uncommon for a funeral- but words that had brought her much peace in a life that had held little peace. Traditional hymns played as he finished. The sound of George Beverley Shea’s gravely voice singing Amazing Grace and the Old Rugged Cross, brought tears to our eyes and smiles to our lips- and the service came to an end. The family followed the hearse through the small town- cars pulled off to the side of the road- a sign of honor and respect on Texas highways. Finally, the small procession came to a stop at the designated site. And then came the part of the service, I think, that God had planned for me to hear that day.

Our friend, more a brother really, stood to read a passage that had been a favorite of Peg’s- Luke 12:41-44- a familiar story about the widow’s mite- so familiar- and yet, as God so often does, a new way to hear came to my heart that day. As I was growing up, the story was a favorite of our pastor at budget time- But God had given Scott a different message that day. Friday, as we stood together under that tent, with just a few of us gathered round, God wanted me to hear something else.

Scott noted that three times Jesus had used the phrase “put in”. Jesus, you see, had been watching- watching closely enough to SEE, truly see, what each person passing by “put in.” God drew my thoughts back to the words our pastor had preached the previous Sunday from Romans 12. “Present your bodies a living sacrifice…” As I listened to our friend talk about all Peg had “put in” to the kingdom as she rocked babies in the church nursery, my heart began to truly makes sense of Paul’s words in Romans. I am to be holy and pleasing to God- the King James says “acceptable” to God- because, after all, THIS is my “reasonable service.” It is a reasonable thing to do- to give my life in service to Him- to make an offering of all that I do, all I am, as my reasonable service to the God who gave everything for me.

All of a sudden, the living sacrifice made sense in a way, perhaps, it had not before. I heard our friend’s voice saying, “If we could find those many children rocked in that nursery, and hear their stories of growing up in Christian homes nurtured by parents who worshipped each week while their child was loved and rocked in the nursery- there would not be room on this hill for them to stand.”--- Because Peg, you see, had “put in” all she had…. And Jesus watched … and smiled.

“Therefore, I urge you brothers (and sisters) in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God- this is your { reasonable service KJV}.

The words of Jesus say, “…she put in everything she had to live on”- Our friend’s voice put the inflection on the second word in the phrase- live ON….We are called to put in everything we have- everything we ARE (living sacrifices)- so that those we meet, those we serve, will see….truly see, what makes us live ON.

BECAUSE of His great mercy- and IN VIEW of His watchful, loving eyes- what will I “put in” today so that what Christ has given me can “live on” in others for eternity?

Blessings and peace-

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Living Hope

In teaching Sunday school in Gulf Pointe Plaza Nursing Home, each lesson is aimed at giving hope and encouragement to the residents living there. A few go to the nursing home to recuperate and then leave for their own homes, but most are there to stay as their lives deteriorate. Just as the bible is God's Word to give hope to young and old, this devotional is, too.

"Our hope is based on nothing less but Jesus’ blood and Righteousness".

Hope in the biblical sense doesn’t mean wishful thinking, but fervent expectation - expectation that what God has promised we can claim and will receive.

Hope is what we all need, whether we are little children too young to think about the future, or young ones leaving the nest, or older people whose careers and work are behind them, and even those in their final days. Without hope children have no courage to go forward, and without hope our spirits wither and die before our bodies do.

The New Testament tells of the hope we have in Jesus Christ, both for now and for the hereafter. Through the blood Jesus shed on our behalf, we have hope for today, hope for tomorrow and hope for eternity.

Titus 1:2 "a faith and knowledge resting on the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time," .

Before the beginning of time, before He created anything, God planned that He would send Jesus as our sacrifice so that we could be free of sin and could take on the righteousness of Jesus to dwell with God forever in eternity. This is our greatest Hope for the future. Over and over in the bible we are told that "I will never leave you nor forsake you", and He didn't.

But God never meant that we should only hope for death and the hereafter. If we recognize Him, the Holy Spirit will dwell in our hearts and give us overpowering love and comfort during the good days and the dark days. Jesus intends that we have more good days than dark ones: John 10:10 "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly". Abundant life is life lived to the full, trusting in God and expecting His goodness and mercy to follow you as you follow Him.

We all experience dark days and sad days, and during these times we can trust God and hold fast to him. In Rom 15: 13 the apostle Paul says: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." This is the present hope we need during those times. Just by trusting in Him, our hearts and minds can be filled with understanding and wisdom so that we will know that no matter what the circumstances, He is with us and He is sovereign.

To the Thessalonians, Paul writes: 2 Thessalonians 2:16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

Peter says it this way: 1 Peter 1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, ". A living hope - a hope that stays with us both night and day.

2 Cor. 1:3–4 TLB What a wonderful God we have — he is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the source of every mercy, and the one who so wonderfully comforts and strengthens us in our hardships and trials.

He is a wonderful God, the source of every mercy and comfort and strength. Many times, we find ourselves unable to do the things we used to do and want to do, but we are not left without hope. God is with us and will be with us to the end and beyond.

Every day He wants us to think about Him, to thank Him for what He has done in our past, and for how he is caring for us today. If we thank him for every blessing, in the process our minds will be renewed and we will receive HOPE.

I love these verses about the great mystery of the ages, which we are privileged to have revealed to us: in Col 1:25 Paul writes: I have become its servant (that is the church’s servant) by the commission God gave me to present to you the word of God in its fullness —26 the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints. 27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. We are those gentiles; when we believe in Jesus as our savior, we have Christ in us, the hope of glory.

Phil 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 9Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

The God of Peace is the God of Hope. May the Lord’s peace and hope be with you today and every day.


Monday, July 26, 2010

A Prayer of Gratitude

Lord ~ I want to have a grateful heart. I know it's in here, inside of me, but I am finding that gratitude in all circumstances of life can be quite a challenge at times. I've had a hard time losing Catherine ~ my heart aches for her friendship, to hear her voice and yet know that when I dial her phone number there will be no "Hanna Bear" on the other end of the line.

Your word tells me in James 1:2 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." Is this the kind of trial that will test my faith which will in turn develop perseverance? I pray that it will be.

You say; (James 1:4) Perseverance must finish its work so that I can be mature and complete, not lacking anything. So I pray that You will help me to persevere Lord.

I am grateful for a friendship that made me a better person. For a friendship with substance that was based on a mutual love for You. For insight into your word that only Catherine could put in such a way that I not only could understand it better, but usually got a great story and a good laugh as well.

Thank you Lord for the gift of Catherine's life and how it touched so many others. I know I was just one of hundreds of lives she affected. I can see how You used her. It was amazing to watch as she struggled to make ends meet and yet always did. And then she would give You the glory for the victory; big (like her house payment) and small (dog and cat sitting jobs.)

Lord I pray that I will be that kind of friend. The kind that loves and loves with honesty. The kind that will be grateful for every situation and every person you put in my life. (And Lord when you are ready for me I really hope you put us on the same street.)

So Lord I thank you for helping me put things in perspective; for allowing my life to be blessed by hers and for helping me realize how important the friends that I have in my life right now are. Help me to persevere this day and come back to You tomorrow for more reassurance. And Lord I pray that you would give me the grace to grow in Godly character ~ Amen.


Monday, July 19, 2010

He Calls us by Name!

Psalm 33:13-15 NKJ

13 The Lord looks from heaven;
He sees all the sons of men.
14From the place of His dwelling
He Looks on all the inhabitants of the earth;
15He fashions their hearts individually;
He considers all their works.

What a wonder it is that the God of the universe knows my name and your name and He fashions ours hearts individually.

Scripture tells that from the beginning of known time with Adam and Eve and continuing thru to our last book of the Bible that when God Speaks to His children He calls them by name.

This spring we were out driving on one of these beautifully clear and cool days looking for birds. What an excellent display of God's creation in the diversity of our feathered friends. There is such a broad spectrum of differences among these creatures with some being very large in size all the way down to the very tiny. Some with beautiful melodious songs while others speak with a croak or a squawk. Some are spectacularly colored while others are very plain or even drab in color. Some like the sea gull are brazen and will snatch your sandwich right out of your hand if given the opportunity, still others are very shy and reclusive such as the least bittern.

It is no different with God's children. He has fashioned each of our hearts very differently. He has given each person different strengths and different weaknesses, different gifts and talents.

It is the responsibility of each person to follow the heart God has given us and to celebrate the heart, gifts and talents of our Christian brothers and sisters.

I personally admire and love many women and men in our church. Some have gone before me and are now with the Lord. Some are my peers and some are the younger ones in our church including the youth.  Our past, our present and our future are all woven together but our walk with the Lord is personal and individual.

The big change in my walk with Jesus was when He pierced my heart with the fact that He knows me personally and completely yet He loves me. Scott's teaching on Sunday the 11th put this across very well. 
Believe it and walk in it. What a miracle!

In His Love,

Friday, July 2, 2010

Faith that Overcomes

1 John 5:4 -  For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith.

I don’t know much about “blogging” but I am going to give it my best shot! We live in such different times than what I experienced growing up. Everyday some new technology comes out and I just got used to the last one!! I am sitting her thanking the Lord that the worst of the storm did not come our way. Just like in life, storms come and go but our Lord is always faithful. I am not aware of anything in the scriptures that would indicate that we are exempt from life storms. I am so grateful that God knows about each one that is coming our way before we do and we can completely trust Him to take care of us in the midst of it all. He has also provided the strength we need to overcome and be victorious.

I am so fortunate to say that I came to know the Lord as a child. I can’t remember a time in my life when I was not aware of His presence. We were living in a small north Texas town and I heard the call from God in a revival. I will never forget the moment that I realized that if I died right then I would spend eternity separated from Him. The only thing I knew for sure was that I was a sinner and I needed a savior. The Lord gently drew me to Himself and I cried most of the day thinking about all the things I had done that were wrong. I know you might think a nine-year-old child could not have done a lot but it seemed that my mind was flooded with the understanding that I deserved to go to hell, I was a sinner, and my only hope was in Christ. Now some 51 years later, I still remember those moments with clarity and emotion.

Years have past, and like many, I drifted and rebelled against the known will of my Lord. Still, He never has let me go. He continues to allow me to make wrong choices but never stops showing me His wonderful grace and mercy that makes me repent and seek Him even more. I will never stop being amazed that He loves me even when I am not lovable. It has taken me a lifetime to forgive myself of the many times I have failed and fallen into sin. One thing I have learned over the years is that God has not called me to fight but one fight.

The fight of faith is for all those who know and love Him. We must overcome the obstacles that distract, confuse, thwart our path, and keep us from trusting and obeying the Lord. We are all at different places in this fight and we need to be so considerate of each other. Believing that God does know what is best and wants the best for us is difficult when we are filled with pain and suffering. Yet it is in the times of suffering the intensity helps us learn lessons that will be with us forever. The battle rages in our minds and I think this is where the war is won or lost. First a thought and then comes actions. If we are not grounded in God’s Word we will not be able to stand against the attack of lies and deceit. Giving into wrong thinking can give access to our enemy. The enemy shows no mercy and I often forget that he is out to destroy the work that God has done in my life. We overcome this by knowing and believing what God says about us in His Word. Praying with other believers really helps because we can stand together and experience victory. Again, I am fortunate because I have many beautiful Sisters in Christ, who show me His love and pray with me. I am blessed with a Sunday school class of ladies that are the delight of my soul.

I don’t know if my “blogging” is what you expected. I hope you are blessed and know the love of Christ in your life. Fight the fight of faith……….. Be an Over comer! I promise you that there is a prize waiting all those who seek the kingdom of God first. Jesus is our prize and He is waiting to enter the fight with you. Trust Him today! He is just a prayer away!


Monday, June 21, 2010

The Plague

I dont know of anyone (myself included) who hasnt experienced the sickening feeling of the plague known as "not-good-enough-itis." Speaking from my own experiences with this troublesome bug, its symptoms can last for hours or even days and can include feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, hurt and overall discontent. It can come in many forms: "My house isnt big/nice enough-itis," "My clothes arent cute enough-itis" "My job isnt good enough-itis OR it's counterpart "I'll never do a good enough job-itis" I think you get the picture.

So what is the remedy for this malady?

Let me be clear in saying that I am not referring to the gentle tugs at our hearts that are meant to encourage us to do good. Doing good, as outlined in Titus 3:1-3 is one of God's commands to us! Friends, what I am referring to is the feeling that eats us up inside and makes us feel altogether unworthy. The lies planted in our minds by satan which are repeating but untrue. And the hard to swallow truth that *gasp* we sometimes dont believe that Jesus IS enough.

First, let me remind you (and myself) that desires for things (see: House/Car/clothing/bank account-isnt-good-enough) is dangerous and destructive. 1 Timothy tells us "But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.(6-9)" The desire to be rich is ultimately unfulfilling. Our culture doesnt just whisper- it SHOUTS that we need more and more and more. In the fall, every car manufacturer will unveil its new 2011 models, rendering the 2010's obsolete. Next week, a house down the street will be put up for sale with more square footage and more amenities than my own. It will never be possible to completely meet the demands that our culture throws in our faces. Giving into this belief will eventually lead to ruin.

Let me jump back to a previous statement and encourage you to rejoice and be thankful that Jesus IS enough -- And wants to be your soul source of contentment! Give Him your cares and desires and allow Him to meet your needs. Look to Hebrews 13, where it says, "Be content with what you have, for He has said, 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.' So we can confidently say, 'The Lord is my helper, I will not fear; what can man do to me?'(5-6)" Hide God's word in your heart so that when these feelings of discontentment come, you will have a defense. Remember that God has designed us all to fulfill a specific purpose and lets not allow fleshly desires for fancier things or flashier occupations steer us away from that divine purpose. Seek out the heart and mind of a servant; for assuredly, there is no faster route to personal contentment than sharing an afternoon with someone less fortunate.

Over time, through trials and blessings, I will continuously become more secure with who I am in Christ. I do not need a Land Rover or the corner office because Jesus IS enough. God's provision is indescribable and worth so much more than anything fleeting that the world could offer. Paul said it best: "I rejoiced in the Lord greatly...not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Him...and my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Phil 4:10-13, 19)"


Monday, June 7, 2010

Seek His Face!

So the time I have stressed about for weeks has finally come, it is my turn to write. I am asking myself, why did I agree to do this? What do I possibly have to say? I am grateful for the graciousness and mercy of those about to spend time reading what I hope is coherent.
Some weeks back the Lord gave me Psalm 22:25 & 26 to consider, “From You comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly, before those who fear Your name will I fulfill my vows. The poor will eat and be satisfied; they who seek the Lord will praise Him.” For me, these verses imply an answer to an age-old question: Why do those who know Christ turn away? Or put another way, why do Believers struggle for so many years with the cycle of turning to and then turning away from the Lord repeatedly? There are such a vast number of answers to this question. Here in these verses is an answer that cuts to the heart of the problem—we are not finding our satisfaction in God but instead in what God does for us. Often I say it like this, we are seeking His hands and not His face. Too often we turn away from God because (whether we can admit it or not) God is not enough for us. Why? The answer lies in what we are actually seeking.
When the Bible speaks of seeking God, its instruction is to actually seek His person (His face), but instead of seeking Him, we seek His action (His hands) on our behalf (Shouldn’t we lay these things before Him? Without a doubt, but not before we simply seek Him in an intimate knowledge of who He is and with a ruthless trust that submits to His will, ways and purpose—but that is another message all its own). If we were truly seeking God’s face we would ALWAYS be satisfied because our satisfaction would be found in Him alone. As David wrote, HE would be the theme of our praise and nothing else—we would not be able to turn away. Instead, however, we find Him to be dissatisfying because we are seeking what He can do for us; if He does not do what we want, when we want, fix what is broken, jump through our hoops, etc. we have no use for Him and we turn away to solve our own problems (Jeremiah called it digging our own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water—but again I digress).
BUT, if we were to seek God’s face with complete abandonment of ourselves, what would be the result? Among other results found throughout His Word, Psalm 22 makes it clear. Others would see the fruit of our clinging to Him in the way we obey Him! We would find that no matter what the circumstance God would be MORE THAN SATISFYING—filling us to overflow—with what?--PRAISE!! PRAISE regardless of our circumstance! PRAISE no matter what we are suffering! PRAISE no matter what we have lost! PRAISE no matter what we lack! PRAISE no matter our state of confusion! PRAISE no matter our anxiety and stress level! PRAISE! PRAISE! And then, probably a bit more PRAISE! Our sole response to Him would be PRAISE! Our face (NEVER our backs) to His face!! This week, I encourage you to spend time searching the Scripture for the numerous promises for those who seek HIM and keep their faces turned toward HIM! Two of my life’s theme verses and a constant prayer for me is found in Psalm 27:4 & 8, “One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek Him in His temple. My heart says of You, ‘Seek His face!’ Your face, Lord, I will seek.” Maybe God might lead you to make this one of your prayers too!

That You May Know Him More,
Kimberlie Jones
Eph 1:17

Monday, May 10, 2010


Hello Ladies!

I hope this evening finds everyone doing well. I am sorry my post is a bit late in the day.... but its here and that is all that matters to this gal right now! I know a few of you can completely understand why this post may be a bit late in its arrival when I tell you that #4 in mylineup is still awake!! Although his cuteness makes him a favorite it is not enough to save him from bed! Anyways, here we go.....

As I sit here tonight typing our blog entry I am disappointed. Mainly because I was hoping to have something profound to share. Something I could tell you I have learned or an inspiration that may have come to me during the last few weeks......but as I searched....and believe me, I searched- I still came up where I started.....with quietness. I want to make it clear that does NOT mean my life has been peaceful and quiet without calamity threatning to errupt any moment from Mt. has just been different. A different kind of quiet. A restless quiet....a quiet I am not particularly fond of. The kind of quiet you experience from an injured party after you say something you wish had never spoken. Making sense now???

I am unsure of this "quiet" period. While it is quiet I speak, I pray, I sin , I repent, I pray some more, I cry out, I worship, I sin again.... you get the picture. And on the other end there is silence....a quiet silence.

Ladies, I am by far the last to try and sort out the big mystery of God and His infinate ways. I am not degreed in religion nor have I even read all of the books of the bible(I have a hard time in Leviticus if you know what I mean) but it seems to me as if during this quiet period I am having to pay extra special attention for even the slightest gesture on His part. I am having to seek and search.I am having to be still in the quiet so that I may detect that still small voice in the restlessness of my life.

I do not know if any of you are experiencing silence on the other end but I want to encourage you that if you are- you are not alone. He knows. He knows exactly what we need and what conditions our hearts are in. Fragile, prideful, broken, humble, overjoyed, devestated, conflicted....He knows.He knows the amount of quiet needed for restoration and redemption. So I leave you with this verse. I am sure many of you know it already but I have found it has much depth-

" Be still and know that I am God...." Psalm 46:10

It certainly isn't wordy in how or why we are to be still. It is commandatory to be still....while I am still in the quiet I am to KNOW that He is God. So maybe for this gal, it is in the very quiet, that I am reminded of who He is and it is not so quiet afterall.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Changed into His Glorious Image

“But whenever someone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 For the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.” 2 Cor 16-18

As I reflect on the sweet life of an even sweeter sister in Christ, Catherine Hanna, I find peace in these verses. For we, as Christians, have eternal hope thru Christ Jesus, that someday too we will be changed into His glorious image. And, we will reunite with all those that have gone before us, together again to worship the One and Only……the Almighty Healer……the Great I Am. What a Glorious day!

In Him,

Monday, April 12, 2010

No Explanation Necessary

Hello Ladies!!!!

I just need to tell you that hello was with soooooo much enthusiasm as I sit here typing what I feel God has for me to share with you. As you can tell it has been a while since I have contributed to our blog. I have had some wonderful sisters step in to help me out during an incredibly difficult season. A season completely brought into my life from what I would have thought to be out there in left field (execuse the base ball analogy- it just happens to be that time in our home):). I wonder if you will take a moment and let me share my heart with you...

I had just come to the other side of what seemed the impossible.I was on a mountain top. My God had chosen to once again pour out His grace and mercy upon me and take a medical diagnosis and turn it upside down. The unexplainable test results showed the cancer in my body was specialists.....just gone......just like that. Leaving me completley dumbfounded,I grappled with His choice to save me (again). I continued to engage in worship, prayer, fellowship, and just hanging with Him. As time passed I became increasingly aware of a small voice in the back of my head asking "Why me Lord...why me??? I don't deserve your goodness" As I searched for an explanation to my blessings, I continued my journey as life threw our family various trials and He continued to remain faithful to His promises. As life continued, I found myself feeling a need to earn what had been graciously bestowed upon me. You know the feeling....the one that creeps upon us telling us we need to be in that study, on that committee,hanging out with "those" people, not doing "that". Afterall I needed to be good enough to earn what He had done in my life. So I tried- I tried extra hard, for a real long time. See, here is a little background you need to know about this gal- this was not the first time He had given me so much.Oh no....ladies. He had already delivered me from addiction,desperation, a failing marriage, broken relationships, deceit,a lust for anything but Him.....and now cancer.I did not understand why He continued to keep saving me. I continued in my futile attempts to earn what He had given me and in an effort to try and understand this show of affection for what I deemed a worthless cause such as myself.....I had wandered...not intentionally...but far away from Truth. I took a wrong turn and what I found waiting for me was not pretty. Not pretty at all. Satan had decided to bring a full scale attack on this girl. The seed of doubt had been planted and I had fallen for it. And to say the least I was ill-prepared for what lie ahead. I would soon find out the battle for my mind and loyalty became Satans ultimate prize.I have spent the last several months waged in a battle I would have NEVER thought I would end up in. Afterall, I knew the Word, I went to church- even though my attendance was becoming sparatic, I prayed..... even if it had now just become at dinner with the children....I was His, I was sealed...I was safe...and afterall I was saved.But somehow I ended up in a pit so dark I wasn't sure if Satan would even visit me. The attack was different this time.Not like it had been for my salvation. See this time Satan was much more cunning.He knew he had to come at me in such a way I would question the very core of who I thought I knew myself to be. To be good enough. Vulnerabilities and insecurites I thougt I had given to Jesus, I infact had not. Satan knew these and brought every one and I do mean every one of them to my front door with a big red bow begging to be opened. I opened them......all of them...with eager anticipation everytime. Although these "gifts" seemed to be what I wanted at the time, with each one I opened, I found myself growing more and more desperate each passing day. Desperate..... again....hadn't we already covered this? Desperate to be good enough. Good enough to be a daughter of a king who is enthralled by my beauty. But beautiful I did not feel. I had made a self propelled mess again. Ashamed, embarassed,and wounded I tried to fix fix the mess I made. In my attempt to fix me I did not invite Jesus. I had denied His help.... I was surely of no use now. Any "good" in me had vanished. And there I was....all alone. Just me and my "gifts".

Until one day I happened to be driving my children to school and my oldest changed the radio to the local Christian radio station.( the dial had not been set there in a while...) I heard the words my heart so badly needed to hear:

" Jesus I come, I come to you again, like it was the first time I came to you for new life, I need you now as much as I did then I need a new begginning so Jesus I am coming for the first time again...."

I dropped all the kids to school and pulled my car over and wept....wept like I had not wept in months... I could feel again....I could feel Him. He was right there. He had never left. His voice so sweet and tender" My sweet girl YOU are the reason I went to the cross. YOU are good enough. YOU are my child and there is NO SIN I can not forgive. YOU can never earn my grace, Crystal. I freely give it to YOU because I love YOU "

A new beginning indeed. It has not been overnight that I have been restored. Much has come from this battle. Brokeness, healing, awareness of my desperation for nothing but HIM, and the fact that I can NOT get two inches from Him. It has renewed my passion to know Him. To not just know Him, but to be consumed by Him. Knowing that I am good enough no explanation needed.

I felt God leading me to share this with you for the chance that maybe there is a sweet girl who needs to know- YOU are good enough. YOU need never to feel as if you need to earn His love. The gifts that He chooses to lavish upon us are His to give and we are complete in HIM sister. COMPLETE- we lack nothing. Not apperances, wealth, knowledge, stature- we lack NOTHING in HIM. He is truly all we need. So today I share with you :

and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.- Colossians 2:10 NKJV

Did you get that last part- "the head of all principality and power" Ladies HE knows. He knows the victory is His and He is the HEAD of ALL PRINCIPALITY and POWER. Satan can NOT win and we can NOT lose. Never forget you lack NOTHING in HIM. The day we ALL figure that out will be a bad bad day for Satan. We are complete in Christ. Thank you Jesus thank you.

I thank you for taking the time to read through just one of the many facets of my journey with Him. I pray that each of you will find your completeness in Him and know that YOU are good enough.Just like you are. No expalnations necessary.

Complete In Him,

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

He is Risen!

Happy Easter Women of Noble Character,

This week you and I will celebrate the most important holiday (literally, “holy day”) on the Christian calendar. Easter is not primarily a secular observance designed to usher in the warmth of spring. Nor, is it simply a day for our children to hide eggs and make ourselves sick eating chocolate bunnies. Easter is, at its heart, the Christian celebration of Christ’s death, His resurrection from the dead, and all of the freedom and victory that those events entail. His Resurrection is the most important historical marker that lies at the center of everything we believe. If Christ was still dead in the tomb, we would have no hope for eternity. Praise God, Christ is not dead! Revelation 5:9-10:

9And they sang a new song:
"You are worthy to take the scroll
and to open its seals,
because you were slain,
and with your blood you purchased men for God
from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God,
and they will reign on the earth."

You (Christ) WERE slain. That’s the past! Today Christ sits at the right hand of God, waiting for His Father to tell Him.....Go get your Bride! And, TODAY He brings Resurrection power to our lives! His resurrection is for us TODAY, as we receive forgiveness for our sins, see Him do the impossible in our lives, experience Him every day in a dynamic relationship (not just a religion), and as we experience His joy in every circumstance. Is Christ’s resurrection transforming your life TODAY? HE IS ALIVE!

Happy Easter,

Memory Verse: Revelation 5:9

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Cost of Following Jesus

Hello Women of Noble Characters,

Follow Me (Luke 9:59)!

So, exactly what IS the cost of following Jesus? To grasp the whole meaning please read Luke 9:56-62. The memory portion is vs. 59 “Jesus (He) said to another man, “Follow me.”

In these Scriptures we’ll see several responses to the cost of commitment. Jesus is on the way to Jerusalem, and He wants followers who can count the cost. There are three different levels of commitment represented in people He met along the way. And you know what? These levels of commitment expose the ways a lot of Christians relate to their discipleship today.

The first man made a pious commitment that didn’t go any further than words. (Actions speak louder than words, right?) He promised to follow Jesus wherever He went – so Jesus challenged the man to “count the cost.” That’s not unlike today’s world: We come to Jesus to get what we want to solve our problems or to get inspiration/wisdom for our challenges. And you know what? Jesus gives us both, but THEN calls us into a ministry of maybe concern and caring. We’re to do for others what He has done for us. But have you noticed – loving and forgiving aren’t always easy!

The second man had some unfinished business from the past. He WANTED to follow Jesus, but there was a “secondary loyalty” that kept him tied to the past. Paraphrasing, Jesus said “Forget the past; follow Me!” What does that mean??? Jesus isn’t suggesting the man have a lack of concern for life’s everyday obligations, but it was a call to be concerned about His call to live rather than worry about what’s dead and past.

The third man wanted to say goodbye to his family first. Jesus’ response to him stressed the urgency of our commitment. Jesus was concerned about “competing loyalties” in the man. Our commitment must be to unreservedly seek FIRST His kingdom. Jesus leaves us with a question about ways we have one hand on the plow of discipleship and the other reaching back to the past or to lesser commitments.

That brings us to thinking about loyalties other than Jesus or even lesser commitments: church responsibilities, working out at the gym, cooking, shopping, our yard, house or job, community commitments, our children’s extracurricular activities, completing our education, going to the beach, reading a book, watching television, e-mailing or texting, etc. etc.

In what ways are you looking back? What “secondary loyalties” do you have which make it difficult to give your whole mind and heart and will to Christ? What is your response to the cost of commitment to Christ? What did Jesus say? “Follow Me.”

In Love,

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Portion

Hello again Women of Noble Character,

The Saints go "Marching" on......I know corny. Happy March Everyone!

I've been trying over the last two months to adjust my portion of all foods, my portion of TV, my portion of exercise, my portion of self-control. As I do this, I can't help but to think of the following verses:

Psalm 73:25-26, "Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

I actually have these verses on my fridge. I try very hard not to forget they are they blend in with all the pictures and children's artwork that are also posted there. If I truly concentrate on what these verses mean, I gain strength......He (God) is my portion. When I increase my portion of God (thru prayer, personal time with Him, bible study, worship, fellowship with other believers), I know that all those other things I listed above will also be adjusted to their correct portions. If I fill up with Him, I'm completely satisfied.

Over the next two weeks as we learn these verses together, let's make God our complete desire and portion forever!

In Christ,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello Women of Noble Character,

This New Year has gotten very busy and crazy fast! Do you feel it too? It happened so quickly, that we have gotten behind with our memory verses. So, I offered to help get things going again. But, I'm not a blogger. So, I am going to "borrow" something from Nancy McGuirk, a well known author. I've heard several women tell me this week (and it is only Tuesday) how unworthy they feel to serve God. I think these verses will help us. Because the truth of the matter is, we are all unworthy. Only by the blood of Christ is there any worth in us!

Isaiah 6:5-8...."(5)Woe to me!" I cried. "I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the LORD Almighty." Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. With it he touched my mouth and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for." (8)Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

Here's what Nancy writes in her book “Rest Assured: Devotions for Souls in a Restless World”

"Unworthiness....low self esteem...shame over sin. All of us have wrestled with thinking we were unworthy to be used by God. The prophet Isaiah certainly felt this way."

"Isaiah's problem was thinking he was too sinful to serve a Holy God. But, when God revealed Himself to Isaiah and touched him with a personal call to serve, the prophet realized he was cleansed. When his life changed, he began to comprehend things from heaven he'd never understand before. He heard God saying, "Whom shall I send? And, who will go for Us?" Isaiah's hand shot up like a first-grader who couldn't wait to be chosen for the assignment: 'Here am I, Send me!'"

"All of us are too sinful to serve God when our frail humanity is measured against His perfection. Yet, because of His grace God comes to us a fresh each season of our life - each day, each moment - and He offers cleansing. As we confess and seek forgiveness, He points us in a new direction."

Isn't that wonderful to know! Christ brings worthiness to our lives each day!

We are going to be doing some make up work over these next two weeks. We will have two verses.....but they go together. Memory verse three (3) will be from Isaiah 6:5 (see above). And, Memory verse four (4) will be from Isaiah 6:8 (see above).

Lord, we are truly sorry for all our sins. But, we are THANKFUL that YOU have washed us and made us white as snow - so that we can serve YOU with joy and a clear conscience the rest of our lives!

In Christ,

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Life Revealed

What a gorgeous couple of days we have been so graciously extended by the One who makes all things beautiful!!! Girls, I do not know about you but we are loving this weather over here at the Simmons Home. Everything just is better on these blue skied days!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello and just comment on our new Beth Moore Study on Monday Night. AMAZING!!! There is not even a solid word in the great English language that would really ever do it justice. I would love to know what everyone else thinks. Really, I am just hoping it isnt just me that badly needs to hear those Words. As Beth put it last night "There's a whole lotta Bible!" Yes there certainly is.... and I pray for you alongside that we are all seeking a fresh Revelation from the "I- I Am".(I love that- it must be the play on words for me!:)) Hoping you are experiencing great things with Him! See you soon!


Monday, January 18, 2010

Coming Soon

Hello Everyone!

I hope this second post finds everyone doing great and settling into their New Year. Things have been a bit crazy and we have already had a few curve balls thrown at us at the Simmons Home, but we are standing firm on what we know- one day Satan will lose and Jesus will be victorious! Now thats not to say that I havn't thrown my hands up and asked " Are you joking me!!!???!!" He expects it... afterall... He does know me better than I know myself.

I want to remind everyone of the Beth Moore Study starting tonight at 6:30 at the church. It is titled "Here Now and Then- A Revelation Study". We are very excited and can not wait to see what God has laid on Beths heart for this message. So if you aren't too busy please join us- we would love to have you!

That leads me to our second scripture for the year. I found this next scripture to be so timely in that we are starting the Revelation study tonight and because of the weight it holds.

"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book. "- Revelation 22:7

Its not to wordy....but then again I don't think Jesus needed to be. It is such a simple truth- one that we can forget in the curveballs and chaos of life. HE IS COMING SOON GIRLS! Do not forget that. He is coming and all will be made right- nothing will go overlooked- nothing. He is coming soon... We will be blessed for keeping His Truth.

I hope that makes you excited like it does this gal! He is coming....thank you Jesus thank you- I can not wait to see you....and not only are you coming... you are coming soon- Hallelujah!

Hope to see you tonight,

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New Year Ladies!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and is in joyful anticipation of what this new year brings. For many, a new year is a fresh start; a new beginning to an adventure. Many of us have made our "New Year Resolutions" and have, or will kick them off soon. Losing a few pounds, spending our time differently, financial goals, more time in the Word... and the list goes on. While there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with making resolutions, I wonder if just for a moment you will hang with me and think about this; "What if we made Jesus Christ our resolution?"......What if He made the list this year? If we "resolved" to keep our eyes on Jesus would we somehow still meet our own deep seeded resolutions? Would we still be able to drop those pounds, or would we be able to acheive those personal goals, or get that promotion, or.....whatever else we have our hearts set on. I can not predict the outcome of situations but I do know that there is one who is way more interested in my resolutions than I actually am and that is God and God alone. No one else will ever be as vested in my life as the Most High. So this year as I set out on my list of resolutions(and let me let you know the list was a good mile long!)and I could hear Him sweetly whisper to me "I am your Resolution, I am the Beginning and the End and there is no other than Me....Give it all to me,... even those extra pounds" I was stunned....I had never thought about Him as being my ultimate New Years Resolution.....Whoa.... talk about a quick shuffle on that paper!I am willing to go out on a limb here and tell everyone to put Him as your New Years Resolution. I do not know what that will mean for you but I know what it brings for this girl, and the outlook is spectacular. I want to encourage each and everyone of you to seek Him as you start your new year and your resolutions. Our first bible verse of the year explains how well nothing escapes Him:

"All my longings lie open before you O Lord; my sighing is not hidden from you." Psalm 38:9

Whether it be longings or sighs, I hope each of you will find resolution in Jesus Christ as you embark on another year of a new adventure with Him.

Blessings to you,